You will find here a digest of information relating to Naturel®Pill and its action.

index de naturel@pill

For more information or information on a particular case, consult the synopsis located on the left of this page or click on the Hyperlinks.

Trouble d'erection, impuissance et Dysfonction érectile

Why use Naturel®Pill?

To reactivate the Libido and the desire.
Action on the quality of the nervous-system-cells and its specific neurotransmitters
To increase the Sexual performances.
Action on the quality of the sexual tissues (cavernous and spongy corpus...).
To act over the duration of the act.
Action on cardiovascular quality and sexual vascularization.
Which is the action of Naturel®Pill?On the nervous system
By the vitamin B1, nutriments rich in PhosphoCholine (acetylcholine refill) and vitamin E. 
On the blood system
By natural extracts riches in Polyphénostérols® (OPC and Dioscoréa V), guards and instigating, on a support of Essential Oils and vitamin E. 
On the tissue system (tissues and sperm)
By zinc, vitamin E and plants (Damiana Aphrosidiaca, Dioscoréa V, Ginseng).

In which case Naturel®Pill can help you?

To help you restore the desire (Libido). 
To increase your sexual performances. 
To improve quality of your erections. 
To prolong the duration of the sex act. 
To fight the impotence. 
To avoid the sexual breakdowns

Side effects of Naturel®Pill:

No side effect
Moreover, Naturel®Pill does not contain any substance poisonous or controlled.
A Pharmaceutical test of Toxicity was controlled by our laboratory and its Scientific Person in charge of search, control scientific realized "in vivo" in the Gateway Office of Toxicology.

What Naturel®Pill does not do:

Naturel® pill is not a product advisable for specific organic failures or for general health problems.

Precaution for use of Naturel®Pill:

Do not give to children under 18 years old.
Keep this stored in a safe place and out of reach of children.
Store between 2 and 30 Degree Celcius
Not to manage with the pregnant women.

Naturel® Pill

With natural Polyphénostérols® (Q.R.F.®)
(Q.R.F.® ="Quick Releasing Factors")

The Revolutionary European Natural Pills
Worldwide experiments prove that herbal medecines, vitamins, minerals can correct impotency by treating its primary cause, offering men many of the same therapeutic benefits as drug therapies but without the side effects.

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